- Giving
22 Jumps
22 Jumps aims to bring new hope to individuals and families affected by TBI and suicide. Due to a lack of objective diagnostic tools and effective treatment solutions, the “invisible
Brain trauma affects millions. Learn about traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and how they impact civilians and Veterans.
Understand brain trauma (TBI/PTSD) and the current state of research.
TBI symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and the impact of our research.
PTSD symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and the impact of our research.
Learn about suicide risk among military Veterans with brain trauma.
A new Community Coordination model to accelerate a first generation of diagnostics and treatments for Traumatic Brain Injury.
Cohen Veterans Bioscience is a non-profit 501(c)(3) biomedical research and technology organization dedicated to advancing brain health by fast-tracking precision diagnostics and tailored therapeutics.
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Our approach is to build enabling platforms with strategic partners and to adopt a team science approach to fast-track solutions in years, not decades.
Fast-tracking diagnostics & therapeutics for brain trauma.
Advocating at the federal, state, and local levels.
Helping high-impact research succeed.
Driving quality & reproducibility in science.
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Advancing our understanding of invisible wounds.
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Fostering a collaborative approach to research.
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A new Community Coordination model to accelerate a first generation of diagnostics and treatments for Traumatic Brain Injury.
Research in brain disorders often shows sex differences in the prevalence, progression, and responses to treatment. By determining how males and females are both similar and different across biological systems, we drive the discovery of health solutions that better fit the entire population.
– Chantelle Ferland-Beckham, PhD
Senior Director, External Affairs, CVB
Corresponding authors may submit their papers directly on the GPDF’s website via the submission link. The review committee will select and inform the winner by September 1, 2022. The public announcement and presentation of the prize will take place at the 35th ECNP Congress in Austria, Vienna, October 15-18, 2022, where the winner will be expected to present a talk about his or her negative data results paper.
The Global Preclinical Data Forum (GPDF) is a joint US and European initiative to encourage global collaboration to address the challenge of ensuring that preclinical research is reproducible, robust and translatable to support disease research utility for clinical research & development. Members are comprised of preclinical scientists from academia, publishing, non-profit, industry and government, across the US and Europe, who aim to encourage global collaboration to advance translational research through the identification and sharing of best research practices, the development and implementation of novel data quality standards and providing training to the neuroscience community. Click here to learn more about the GPDF and its work.
ECNP is a scientific association dedicated to advancing the science of the brain, promoting better treatment and enhancing brain health. It is Europe’s leading independent forum for the science of CNS treatments. The ECNP Congress, Europe’s largest meeting on brain science, showcases the world’s best disease-oriented brain research, annually attracting between 4,000 and 6,000 neuroscientists, psychiatrists, neurologists and psychologists. ECNP’s wide range of scientific and educational activities, programmes and events make it the largest non-institutional supporter of applied and translational neuroscience research and education in Europe.
The ECNP Preclinical Data Forum, established by ECNP in 2014, was the founding basis, and now the European branch, of the Global Preclinical Data Forum.
More information about ECNP, it’s aims and activities, can be found here.
Authored by leading TBI experts, this six-part series published in the Journal of Neurotrauma lays the framework for a roadmap to advance TBI research based on a State of the Science consensus conference held in 2019 with >125 leaders in the field.
The National TBI Precision Solutions Research Roadmap will guide the development of actionable research priorities that frame the next phase of the roadmap over the coming months.
Additional authors on the paper are Elizabeth Wilde, PhD (University of Utah); Ina Wanner, PhD (UCLA); Kimbra Kenney, MD (Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences); Jessica Gill, PhD, RN, FAAN (John Hopkins University) ); James Stone, MD, PhD (University of Virginia); Seth Disner, PhD (University of Minnesota Medical School); Caroline Schnakers, PhD (UCLA); Restina Meyer, PhD (Delix Therapeutics); Eric Prager, PhD (Cohen Veterans Bioscience); and Andreas Jeromin, PhD (formerly of Cohen Veterans Bioscience).
The Brain Trauma Blueprint is a framework to advance precision diagnostics and therapeutics for brain trauma through a process of community stakeholder consensus, roadmapping, and collaborative execution.
Established in 2017, the Coalition to Heal Invisible Wounds (Coalition), brings together leading non-profit organizations to advance a comprehensive research-focused advocacy agenda that addresses the invisible wounds of war and other significant comorbid conditions known to contribute to the suicide epidemic among Veterans and service members. The Coalition advocates for reforms to how the federal government prioritizes, manages, and funds brain health research, focusing on four key priorities: developing high-quality brain trauma therapies for Veterans and service members, adopting collaborative research roadmaps to guide the science, increasing the body of evidence on emerging therapeutic solutions, and ensuring full implementation of important mental health legislation. Learn more here.
The Navy SEAL Foundation (NSF) provides critical support for the warriors, veterans, and families of Naval Special Warfare (NSW) through a comprehensive set of over 30 programs under five Pillars of Support: Strength, Resilience, Health, Education, and Community. NSF is a high-performing organization committed to excellence. Charity Navigator has awarded it a 4-star rating since 2009 and a perfect score of “100” since 2014 for financial health, accountability, and transparency. The Foundation ranks higher than 99.9% of over 160,000 charities nationwide with ninety-three cents of every dollar donated directly funding its programs or being retained for future mission use. NSF is a 501(c)(3) national nonprofit charitable organization with TAX ID 31-1728910. It is not a part of the Department of Defense, or any of its components, and has no official affiliation with any federal entities. Learn more here.
The Green Beret Foundation (GBF) provides U.S Army Special Forces Soldiers and their families with emergency, immediate, and ongoing support. GBF assists over 5,000 Special Forces families each year. Since its inception, GBF has invested 84%, or 84 cents of every dollar, into its programs and services, which has totaled over $16 million that has directly supported the Regiment and its families. GBF is the only non-profit solely dedicated to supporting Green Berets and their families that has achieved a 4-Star Rating with Charity Navigator. Also, GBF is the sole Special Operations nonprofit organization that is accredited by the Department of Veterans Affairs for the purpose of preparation, presentation, and prosecution of disability claims. Get more information here.
TBI Fast Fact
19% of Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans reported a probable TBI during deployment.
Veteran Suicide Fast Fact
Veteran suicides make up a disproportionate 14% of total suicides in America.
Fast Fact
2.7 Million
TBI and PTSD have taken an enormous toll on Veteran populations with more than 2.7 million men and women deployed to support combat operations in Iraq and Afghanistan since 2001.
Fast Fact
Under 50%
Less than 50% of all veterans in need receive any type of mental health diagnosis or treatment.
The Brain Trauma Blueprint is a framework to advance precision diagnostics and therapeutics for brain trauma through a process of community stakeholder consensus roadmapping and collaborative execution. More information can be found here.
ECNP is a scientific association dedicated to advancing the science of the brain, promoting better treatment and enhancing brain health. It is Europe’s leading independent forum for the science of CNS treatments. The ECNP Congress, Europe’s largest meeting on brain science, showcases the world’s best disease-oriented brain research, annually attracting between 4,000 and 6,000 neuroscientists, psychiatrists, neurologists and psychologists. ECNP’s wide range of scientific and educational activities, programmes and events make it the largest non-institutional supporter of applied and translational neuroscience research and education in Europe.
The ECNP Preclinical Data Forum, established by ECNP in 2014, was the founding basis, and now the European branch, of the Global Preclinical Data Forum.
More information about ECNP, it’s aims and activities, can be found here.
Cohen Veterans Bioscience is a non-profit 501(c)(3) biomedical research and technology organization dedicated to advancing brain health by fast-tracking precision diagnostics and tailored therapeutics.
Cohen Veterans Bioscience is a non-profit 501(c)(3) biomedical research and technology organization dedicated to advancing brain health by fast-tracking precision diagnostics and tailored therapeutics.
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